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In 2005, the South Carolina DHEC STD/HIV Division integrated HIV prevention and care planning activities. Following a yearlong process (in 2004) with stakeholders from HIV prevention and care programs, a mission statement, bylaws, and policies and procedures were developed which guided the HPC through its first three years.


The twenty-five (25) member HPC met quarterly through 2007.


In December of 2007, the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures were amended to reflect a representative membership of thirty-one (31) voting members from CDC-funded prevention programs (both directly and indirectly funded), Ryan White Treatment Modernization Act- funded care and support services programs (Parts B, C, and D), collaborating state agencies, community-based organizations (CBOs), faith-based programs, and interested community members. Participation from consumers living with HIV/AIDS was ensured, with the bylaws mandating that six (6) of the 31 members be persons who are HIV positive.


In December of 2012, the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures were again amended to reflect a representative membership of thirty-four (34) voting members, adding representation from two additional state agencies (SC Department of Juvenile Justice and SC Department of Mental Health) and the state’s Ryan White Part F Program (the SC HIV/AIDS Clinical Training Center at the USC Department of Medicine). Participation from persons living with HIV/AIDS continues to be ensured, with the bylaws now mandating that seven (7) of the 34 members be persons who are living with HIV.


In 2013, the bylaws were amended to reflect the name change of the Consumer Advisory Committee to the Positive Advocacy Committee, a recommendation which originated from that committee and was unanimously supported by the Executive Committee and the full HPC.


Beginning in 2014, the HPC began to meet five times a year in Columbia. Three of the five standing committees (Prevention, Care and Support Services, and Needs Assessment) meet during a portion of the daylong HPC meeting as well as between meetings. The Positive Advocacy Committee meets on separate days from the HPC meeting, as its voting members on the HPC are fully integrated into the three committees noted above. The Membership Committee, composed of a representative from each standing committee plus the two co-chairs, meets as needed to review applications, select and orient new members for the next term, fill vacancies, and deal with other membership issues that may arise.


In December of 2020, the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures were again amended to reflect a representative membership of thirty-five (35) voting members, adding representation from the Ryan White Part A program and eliminating the six year term limit for voting members.


Applications for membership in the HPC are distributed electronically to numerous listservs and via its website in the fall of each year as well as at the annual SC HIV, STD and Viral Hepatitis Conference in October.


Persons selected serve a two-year term. The membership of the HPC reflects, as much as possible, the demographic characteristics of the HIV epidemic in South Carolina.


The following criteria are utilized to assist in the selection of members:

  • People living with HIV;

  • At least two years’ experience providing HIV prevention and/or care services;

  • Expertise in the following HIV-related program services areas: HIV clinical care; linkage to care; case management; housing; mental health; substance use prevention and/or treatment; testing/screening services; partner services; comprehensive risk counseling services; and/or evidence-based health education/risk reduction programs;

  • Representation from a geographical area highly impacted by HIV; and

  • Representative of priority populations for targeting high impact prevention services: persons living with HIV; African American Men who have Sex with Men; African American Heterosexuals at High Risk; White Men who have Sex with Men; Hispanics/Latinos, and Injection Drug Users.


In addition to the standing committees, the HPC also has workgroups which deal with specific populations and are cross-cutting over the issues of Care & Support Services, Needs Assessment, and Prevention.

Membership is open to persons with an interest in or expertise with the population. The workgroups are Adolescent Sexual Health, Women’s Work Group, High Risk Priority Populations Work Group and Hispanics/Latinos (Latinx) Work Group.

The staff of the SC DHEC- Division of STD/HIV & Viral Hepatitis provides support to the workgroups, which report on their activities at each HPC meeting.


For more information (including but not limited to membership and committee lists, meeting agendas and minutes) please visit the SC HIV Planning Council web site ( or contact Dr. Felicia M. Pickering, Planning Coordinator and HPC Health Department Co-chair, at (80904-2606 (work cell) or via e-mail at

We believe all citizens can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

The mission of the Planning Council is to develop a comprehensive, statewide HIV Prevention and Care Plan for a responsive, effective, and efficient continuum of services for persons living with HIV/AIDS and those at risk for HIV infection.dit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

Our Mission
Gradient Ocean

Our Goal

The goal of the HPC is to improve the effectiveness of South Carolina’s HIV prevention and care programs by strengthening the scientific basis, relevance and focus of prevention and care strategies and interventions. 

SC HIV Planning Council

The mission of the Planning Council
is to develop a comprehensive, statewide HIV Prevention and Care Plan for a responsive, effective, and efficient continuum of services for persons living with HIV/AIDS and those at risk for HIV infection.


Phone: (803) 252-1087

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